Upcoming Events

Bible Study
Sat 3/15 11:30 am
Church Service
Sat 3/15 12:30 pm
Prayer Meeting
Tue 3/18 6:30 pm
Small Group Bible Study
Thu 3/20 6:30 pm

Our Church

We our a small loving family church and we love to share fellowship and Jesus. We are welcome to all visitors, we have children sabbath school and adult sabbath school. Please feel free to join us any Sabbath for worship starting at 11:30 am for Sabbath school, and our worship service starting at 12:30 pm. We also offer Thursday Night Small group bible study at 6:30 PM every Thursday and Prayer Meeting every Tuesday at 6:30 pm. 

Phone: (681) 542-4324

Email: williamson@mvcsda.org

God Bless

Pastor Tony Garcia


Whether you are just starting to ask questions about God or have been on that path your whole life, we are here to explore the Bible with you. We believe we always have more to learn about God and his deep love for us. Together, let’s ask questions, see how God responds and enjoy the freedom He offers.

Church Life

Community Services

Our church seeks to be the hands and feet of Jesus by serving those in need in our community.

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Women's Ministry

Our women's program offers special events and services specific to women's needs.

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Power of Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer and the importance of supporting our church family through prayer. We pray for the big things, the small things, and everything in between. We also celebrate the victories God has given us. Tell us how we can pray for you or celebrate your victories.


The ministry of Williamson SDA Church can only happen through your support. Thank you for your prayers, your words of encouragement, and your financial gifts. We couldn't do it without you.


115 Brook St
Williamson, WV 25661-3834

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2:00pm: Worship Service

3:00pm: Bible Study